July 16, 2020 Comments (0)

Application of AR VR in Healthcare

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare technology, the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) solutions stands as a beacon of innovation. This dynamic duo, with their ability to bridge the realms of imagination and reality, is reshaping the landscape of patient care and medical training. Let’s delve into the myriad applications of AR and VR in biomedical engineering, paving the way for enhanced diagnostics, treatments, and patient outcomes.

Understanding Biomedical Engineering:

Biomedical engineering epitomizes the fusion of medicine and engineering, leveraging engineering principles to revolutionize healthcare. It encompasses a spectrum of activities, from equipment recommendation and commissioning to routine testing and preventive maintenance. At its core, biomedical engineering strives to enhance healthcare delivery by integrating cutting-edge technologies into medical practice.

AR VR in Healthcare
AR VR in Healthcare: Redefining Possibilities

Keyhole Surgery Enhanced with AR: Imagine surgeons equipped with Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) seamlessly navigating through a patient’s anatomy in real-time. AR empowers surgeons with unparalleled insights, enabling precise navigation during minimally invasive procedures.

  • AR Phantom Limb Pain Treatment: For amputees grappling with phantom limb pain, AR offers a glimmer of hope. Through interactive simulations, patients can visualize and control virtual limbs, paving the path for therapeutic interventions.

  • Accuvein: Revolutionizing Vein Visualization: Accuvein’s handheld scanner, powered by AR, revolutionizes vein visualization. By overlaying digital maps onto the patient’s skin, healthcare professionals can locate veins with unprecedented accuracy, streamlining procedures and enhancing patient comfort.

  • VR Exposure Therapy: Confronting phobias head-on, VR exposure therapy immerses patients in simulated environments, gradually desensitizing them to triggers. From claustrophobia to acrophobia, VR therapy offers a safe and controlled environment for overcoming fears.

  • AR-Based Patient Care: Harnessing the power of AR, healthcare providers gain real-time access to patient data and clinical information. Google Glass, for instance, overlays electronic health records, empowering clinicians with actionable insights at the point of care.

  • AR-Based Autism Treatment: The Autism Glass Project exemplifies the transformative potential of AR in pediatric care. By deciphering emotional cues through AR, children with autism gain invaluable social skills, fostering meaningful connections with their peers.

  • Eye Decide AR App: Empowering patients with knowledge, the Eye Decide AR app offers interactive anatomical models and educational resources. From visualizing medical conditions to understanding treatment options, AR enhances patient engagement and informed decision-making.

  • VR Simulation Systems: From surgical training to rehabilitation, VR simulation systems offer immersive learning experiences. By replicating real-world scenarios, trainees hone their skills in a risk-free environment, fostering competence and confidence.

  • SimX: Advancing Medical Simulation with AR: SimX elevates medical simulation to unprecedented heights, offering customizable virtual patients and real-time feedback. From case building to performance monitoring, SimX revolutionizes medical training with its immersive AR platform.

  • MedicAR: Precision Guidance in Healthcare Procedures: Leveraging Google Glass and AR technology, MedicAR provides step-by-step guidance during medical procedures. With CT/MRI images superimposed over the patient’s skin, clinicians gain unparalleled precision and efficiency.


In the realm of healthcare, the convergence of AR and VR heralds a new era of innovation and possibility. From enhancing surgical precision to revolutionizing patient care, these transformative technologies are poised to redefine the healthcare landscape. By staying abreast of the latest advancements in AR VR services, biomedical engineers can lead the charge towards a brighter, healthier future.


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