Partner with us

XR Creative is offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to all. We are offering the possibility of partnering with XR Creative. Being an AR,VR enterprise, we are sure to rule the job market in the years to come. However now at the outset, we are looking for individuals or companies who wish to partner with us. There are several ways in which one can partner with us. They are

Partnership through investment

This type of partnership requires the partner to invest some money into our company. This money will be used for the planning and execution of the projects and we also assure our partners that they will be given a fair share of the profits based on their investment. Any individual or company can partner with us through this method.

Partnership through collaboration

This type of partnership requires the partner to bring in projects to the company and the company would execute these projects. Again, a percentage of the profits can be shared by the partner firm. The partner firm can either direct the clients to us or, work in collaboration with us to execute the project in accordance to the client’s requirement.

Technical partnership

This type of partnership requires the partner to provide us with the necessary technical support as and when the requirement arises. Here again, profits will be shared in a reasonable manner. Be it development of apps or any specific software, our technical partners can help us with it. This can either be done by any company which has the necessary resources to provide technical support or, it can be done by individuals.