Augmented reality for the education sector

The global pandemic that we have been surrounded by has wrecked havoc in all our lives. Very quickly, our lives have gone from normal to abysmal. Our offices have stopped working or, have asked us to work from home, people have stopped travelling for fun, we no longer hang out with friends on weekends, and children no longer rush to catch their school bus in the mornings. However, all of us are trying to find our own calm amidst this storm. Every industry is trying to grapple with this situation in its own ways. So is education industry. Since students are no longer able to sit in classrooms, classrooms have come to the houses of the students. Just a phone/ laptop is enough for students to attend their classes. This is the power of digitalization. Even school classes have become online sessions.
While most students have a very short attention span even in classroom situation where, they know that they are being monitored by the teacher, we can only guess what happens in online classes. While the concept of online classes itself is an effort to be appreciated, isn’t it important that the intended beneficiary actually benefits out of this venture?
Augmented reality makes the classes (online and offline) very interactive and interesting. In place of just reading about a frog’s anatomy in a monotonous way, if a student can see a frog, dissect it and learn about its anatomy, wouldn’t it be more interesting? This is the kind of opportunity that augmented reality provides. Except that you wouldn’t need an actual frog but, augmented reality would give a three dimensional virtual frog with which students can do the same. While learning social studies, instead of just reading about Hitler’s concentration camps, what if the students can actually see those camps, walk around inside those camps and actually feel the terror that the inmates of these camps must have felt. This too is possible with augmented reality.
Augmented reality offers endless amount of possibilities when it comes to the field of education. A lot of schools, colleges, universities and research institutes have already started incorporating augmented reality mainly to increase the attention span of the students, make classes more interactive and to engage the students and teachers in a more constructive manner.
XR creative has worked with some of the schools and colleges in India and has developed some cutting edge AR, VR solutions for these institutions uniquely based on the challenges faced by them. If you own an educational institution and you wish to take the learning experience one step further, come to us for AR,VR solutions.