Augmented reality and virtual reality for universities

Be it a nationwide reputed University like Jawaharlal Nehru University or, a regional University such as Alagappa University, all these Universities are becoming the home for Thousands of students every year. There lies a moral responsibility on these Universities to keep their syllabus and education system updated in order to ensure that students who graduate from these Universities have better chances at finding the best Jobs across the world. Technological advancements and having a strong knowledge base with regard to them have a lot to do with finding well paying jobs these days. Anyone who has good knowledge about the latest technologies and implementing them in the current business has more chances of securing a job or, retaining his/her job rather than those who do not know any of these.
Augmented Reality and Virtual reality are the most advanced technologies as of now, making the life of industrialists, business men, educationalists and entrepreneurs easier. All the industries have started implementing these technologies and Freshers who have a background in these technologies stand better chances of getting a job. Hence, Universities need to introduce augmented reality and Virtual reality as separate courses or, as a part of the other regular courses so that students can prepare themselves for their future alongside their regular education.
XR Creative offers Augmented reality and virtual reality courses at universities with the sole purpose of preparing the students for the future of any job that they may get into. All the equipments required for the purpose of learning these technologies will be provided by the institute for classroom purposes only.

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