Augmented reality and Virtual reality courses for school students

Schooling is one of the most relaxed and best time of our life. With lots of leisure time in hand and, the entire future ahead of them, this is also the best time for students to learn things outside their curriculum, that will become an added advantage for their career at a later stage or, become a passion which will help them sustain themselves in this world. While, the need to stay ahead of the curve or, think outside the box was not so much in our previous generations, now, it has become a necessity in order to stay on top of your career. One such element that adds to this is, learning about all the latest technological advancements and how they are creating ripples in various industries. Augmented reality and virtual reality are technologies that fall under this category.
We at XR creative offer Augmented reality and Virtual reality courses for school students at their own school campuses. The students can either enroll for it as a vocational course that they can do either during their Christmas holidays or summer holidays or, take it up as a regular course that they can do on a regular basis during the weekdays, after regular classes. All the equipments required for these classes will be provided by us. The students only need to choose the duration of the course that they would like to attend. These classes will be held for schools across the country. Any school in any part of the country can approach us to schedule these classes at their campus.
This course is being offered at the most reasonable price, only with the intent of spreading awareness among students about technologies that have taken over most of the industries today so that, they can be aware and resourceful when they start entering the job market. These technologies are already a part of Automobile Industry, construction industry, education sector, fashion industry, retail sector etc. So, we urge all schools to understand the importance of these courses for students who are about to become a part of the future workforce.

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